【同义词辨析】 2019-09-03 伪装disguise-dissemble

disguise: implies a deceptive changing of appearance or behavior that serves to conceal an identity, a motive, or an attitude: ~d himself as a peasant to escape detection.  (hide泛指隐藏,无论有意无意,如a house hidden by trees隐藏树林的房子,如nothing is hidden that is not revealed隐藏的东西没有不暴露的,但conceal强调是有意隐藏to hide with an intent, 如concealed the weapon in a pocket将武器在口袋里)

cloak: suggests the assumption of something that covers and conceals identity or intention completely: ~s her greed and self-interest in the rhetoric of philosophy.   修辞;                                                                                                修辞技巧;华而不实的言语;花言巧语speech or writing intended to influence people, but not honest or sincere,如the rhetoric of political slogans政治口号的虚华辞藻

mask: suggests the prevention of recognition of a thing's true character usually by some obvious means and does not always imply deception or pretense: a smiling front that ~s a will of iron.

dissemble: stresses simulation for the purpose of deceiving and disguising especially feelings and opinions: ~d madness to survive the intrigues at court.   simulation模拟,指非常逼真的模仿implies close imitation,如the training chamber simulates the weightless atmosphere训练室模拟失重的大气层)

disguise伪装: 指(欺骗性地)改变行为外观,以隐藏身份动机态度等,cloak覆盖斗篷披风: 表示完全覆盖隐藏,如身份目的,mask掩藏面罩面具: 表示通过显而易见的方法,防止识别出真相,未必想要欺骗假装,dissemble伪装: 表示逼真伪装意见感觉(即欺骗或隐藏)

记忆方法: 1)首字母DCMD美的丑的<==伪装

        2)伪装的意思是改变装束以便隐藏身份目的感情mean to alter the dress or appearance so as to conceal the identity, intention, or true feeling.